  Performance Data
Children at Lowther do very well academically. We've been inspected by Ofsted and our reports are available to view on their website in addition to the details available below.  
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  How we're Performing Performance Data PDF Lowther Performance Data PDF LinkLowther Performance Data PDF Link

The government put together school performance tables and results for all primary schools. To view these details on the government's website please click here.

To view our performance tables review please click on the PDF icon just above this section.

  Ofsted Inspection Report Ofsted Report PDF Ofsted Inspection Report PDF LinkOfsted Inspection Report PDF Link
  Your School - Ofsted and Data Report Ofsted & Data Report PDF Ofsted and Data Report PDF LinkOfsted Inspection Report PDF Link

To view our complete Ofsted and Data Report please click on the PDF icon just above this section.

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Latest Lowther Performance Data PDF Link Ofsted and Data Report PDF Link Lowther Primary School Contact Us page link Lowther Eco Group info link Lowther Open Days page link Lowther - contact us by email link