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  Our School Policies... School FormsLowther School Forms page internal link»Lowther School Forms page internal link
The school has many policies regarding various aspects of school life. These are reviewed on a rolling programme in consultation with Staff and Governors.
  Parent View

A big thank you to the parents/carers that have taken the time to complete the online Parent View survey. As key stakeholders in the school your views matter.

We'd really like all parents/carers to sign up to Parent View and give their views on the school. It honestly only takes 5 minutes.

We have, do and will make changes to the way the school operates and functions as a result of parent/carer feedback.

As well as Parent View, do feel free to share your ideas with Mr Ripley or myself or indeed any of the staff team in person. We all want to work together to improve Lowther for the children.

For help with using the Parent View facilities please read this short guide:

ParentView Help PDFHow to use Parent View (965kb)

  Access To Site Policy for visitors and families

We'd love you to come and visit our wonderful school facilities and see the fantastic learning that takes place alongside our warm and happy atmosphere. Please do consider joining us for one of our Open Days... Further details are available here.

The school is happy to host informal calls and visits any time so please do get in touch »

Access To Site Policy for visitors and families pdf linkAccess To Site Policy for visitors and families (227kb)

  Accessibility Policy

At Lowther Primary School we are committed to working together to provide an inspirational and exciting learning environment where all children can develop an enthusiasm for life-long learning. We believe that children should feel happy, safe and valued so that they gain a respectful, caring attitude towards each other and the environment both locally and globally.

Please view our Accessibility Policy below for further details

Accessibility Policy PDFAccessibility Policy (1.10mb)


Lowther Primary School follows the admissions procedures set by the local authority Richmond upon Thames. Our governing body applies the regulations on admissions fairly and equally to all those who wish to attend this school. Our Admissions policy conforms to the statutory regulations currently in force.

Please view our Admissions Policy below for further details

Admissions Policy PDF linkAdmissions Policy (318kb)

Here is an external link to the Local Authority's 'School Admissions' webpage containing further information, links, brochures and forms.

Bullying is behaviour that is intended to hurt, threaten or frighten someone else. It damages individual children. At Lowther we take all allegations of bullying extremely seriously.

Anti-Bullying Policy PDF linkAnti-bullying Policy (388kb)

The London Borough of Richmond upon Thames has published an Anti-bullying guidance document which is made available for viewing here:

Anti-Bullying Primary PDFAnti-bullying Primary (1.20mb)


At Lowther, we aim to achieve and then maintain the attendance target set for us by the Local Education Authority.

We aim continually to raise awareness with parents, carers and pupils about the importance of regular attendance and punctuality.

Attendance Policy PDF linkAttendance Policy (254kb)



At Lowther we believe that children thrive in a learning environment where good choices are highlighted and praised. This environment is created and supported through positive relationships between everyone in the school community (adult/child, adult/adult and child/child), inside and outside the classroom. All adults recognise that they must model the behaviours they want to develop in children. Our approach seeks to benefit the whole community equally but recognises that individuals have different needs and capabilities.

Ready Respectful Safe

These three words embody Lowther's approach to behaviour expectations. They are used consistently and by everybody. They strike a balance between values and rules at school.

Lowther Behaviour Policy PDF LinkBehaviour Policy (477kb)


All education during school hours is free. We do not charge for any activity undertaken as part of the National Curriculum, with the exception of some individual or small-group music tuition.

Please view our Charging Policy below for further details

LSF Charging Policy PDF linkCharging Policy (228kb)

  Complaints Procedure

We are very proud at Lowther to have such excellent relationships with all members of the community. We actively seek to resolve any issues swiftly and to everyone’s satisfaction.

Complaints Procedure PDF linkComplaints Procedure (255kb)


"We believe that the Equality Act provides a framework to support our commitment to valuing diversity, tackling discrimination, promoting equality and fostering good relationships between people. It also ensures that we continue to tackle issues of disadvantage and underachievement in different groups."

Equality Objectives PDF linkEquality Objectives (309kb)


At Lowther we are committed to following all statutory exclusions procedures to ensure that every child receives an education in a safe and caring environment. Off-rolling is never a reason for exclusion.

Please view our Exclusion Policy below for further details

Exclusion Policy PDF linkExclusion Policy (236kb)

  Health and Safety

Lowther Primary School recognises its legal and moral responsibilities to persons who may be adversely affected by school activities.

Please view our Health and Safety Policy below for further details

Health and Safety Policy PDF linkHealth and Safety Policy (283kb)

  Healthy Packed Lunches

Here at Lowther Primary, we encourage children who opt for a packed lunch to eat a nutritious lunch in order to stay healthy. Our policy on what we allow is indicated here:

Healthy Packed Lunches Policy PDF LinkHealthy Packed Lunches Policy (236kb)

Healthy Break Time Snacks PDF LinkHealthy Break Time Snacks Update (323kb)

  Home/School Partnership Agreement

At Lowther we believe that a child's learning journey is a partnership between parents and carers, the school and the children themselves.

Children are at the centre of all we do inside and outside school.

Learning does not stop at the school gates, and so we will support families as their children grow and develop, and we expect families to help us to nurture a love of learning in their children and prepare them for a confident future. Our partnership agreement is a reminder of our shared commitment.

Home School Partnership Agreement PDF LinkHome/School Partnership Agreement (171kb)

At Lowther we provide homework to enrichen and broaden our home school partnership in support of pupils' learning journey. We hope it provides opportunities for learning beyond the classroom setting.
Please view our Homework Policy below for further details

Lowther Homework Policy PDF LinkHomework Policy (271kb)

  Medical Needs

Schools have a responsibility for the health and safety of pupils in their care. The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 makes employers responsible for the health and safety of employees and anyone else on the premises. In the case of pupils with special medical needs, the responsibility of the employer is to make sure that safety measures cover the needs of all pupils at the school.

Please view our Medical Needs Policy below for further details

Medical Needs Policy PDF linkMedical Needs Policy (255kb)

  Online Safety Online Safety Guidelines »Online Safety Guidelines link

We expect all pupils to follow our online safety guidelines regardless of where they access the internet (be it at home or school) and through whichever media they're using (iPad, tablet, phone, PC, laptop, etc).

We have also set guidelines for using Google Classroom, Google Meet and Home Learn Connect online facilities.

Onine Safety Policy PDF linkOnline Safety Policy (249kb)

Skipper says: "Stay safe when using the computer, click on me next to this panel to get help and advice about looking after your safety, and please remember to keep safe by being careful not to give out personal information such as your name, email, phone number, home address, or the name of your school to people who you do not know or trust."

The UK Safer Internet Centre, is where you can find the latest online safety tips, advice and resources to help children and young people stay safe online.
  Privacy Notice

This policy is to inform you how Lowther Primary School will collect, use and process personal data. It is also designed to let you know your rights and what you can do if you have questions about personal data.

Please view our Privacy Notice below for further details

LPS Privacy Notice PDF linkLPS Privacy Notice PDF linkLPS Privacy Notice PDF linkPrivacy Notice (257kb)


Lowther Primary School works in partnership with parents and carers, supporting them in preparing their children for happy and fulfilled relationships in adult life.

Please view our RSE Policy Notice below for further details

RSE Policy PDF linkRSE Policy PDF linkRSE Policy PDF linkRSE Policy (215kb)

Ofsted adopts the definition of safeguarding used in the Children Act 2004 and in the Department for Education and Skills (now DfE) guidance document 'Keeping Children Safe in Education', which focuses on safeguarding and promoting children’s welfare. This can be summarised as:
Protecting children and learners from maltreatment
Preventing impairment of children’s health or development
Ensuring that children and learners are growing up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care
Taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes
Please also view our Online Safety Policy above »
  Safeguarding Policy PDF link  
  Keeping Children Safe in Education PDF link  
  Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)

Lowther is an inclusive and pastoral school which sets high expectations for all learners. We aim to provide an environment that celebrates achievements of all kinds, and to develop independence and a love for learning.

Children with SEND are included in all aspects of school life at Lowther. Lowther offers a wide range of clubs that support a variety of interests and skills. All children are encouraged to explore their interests and to share their talents. We ensure that children with SEND are included in all school learning and activities, and where necessary, reasonable adjustments are made to make this possible.

Please view our SEND Policy and Report below for further details
  SEND Information Report PDF link  
  SEND Policy PDF link
SEND Policy (289kb)
  External link to Richmond Local Offer
Link to Richmond Local Offer (external website)
  Uniform School Uniform PageSchool Uniform page internal link»School Uniform page internal link
Please help us to make sure the children look super smart by using the guidelines in our Lowther School Family Uniform Policy and Footwear Guidance notes.
Uniform Policy PDF link
Footwear Guidance PDF link
Contact/Find Us page link
Lowther School - Contact/Find Us page internal Link Lowther School - Contact us by email link Lowther School at Instagram External website link LGfL MyUSO Login External website Link Lowther Primary School Contact Us page link Lowther Eco Group info link Lowther Open Days page link Lowther - contact us by email link