Lowther Website Index...

Access to Site ~ Policy

Accessibility Plan ~ Policy

Admissions (e) ~ Apply online here

Admission Forms ~ School Places & Application Forms

Admissions ~ Policy

After School Care at Lowther

After School Clubs

Allotment ~ Sustainability Project

Allotment ~ The Allotment Story

Anti-bullying ~ Policy

Archive ~ Class's archive

Archive ~ Photos

Archive ~ Previous projects

Arrangements ~ Entry/Exit Times, Gates, etc

Arts & Crafts ~ Archive

Arts & Crafts ~ Curriculum

Arts & Crafts ~ Subject page

Assessment Information

Attendance ~ Policy

Behaviour ~ Policy

Blog ~ Lowther School Blog

Bling-Bling ~ See Mr T for these :-)

Books ~ Recommended Books

Breakfast Club

Brilliant Fun ~ Fun study online :-)

Building Progress

Bullying info ~ Help and advice

Buses ~ Maps, Location and Travel


Calendar ~ Events, Activities & Trips

Carers/Parents ~ Information for

Challenges ~ Fun tasks

Charging ~ Policy

Chess Club

Chickens & Fresh Eggs at Lowther!

Children's Newsletters

Children's Safety Guidance

Class's Archive ~ Previous Years

Clubs ~ After School & Holiday

Clubs ~ Clubs Spotlight page

Clubs ~ Timetables

Community Spirit ~ Shared activities

Community Spirit ~ Archive

Community ~ Our Community Links

Complaints ~ Policy

Computing ~ Curriculum

Computing ~ Subject Page

Contact ~ Contact/find our school

Creative Writing & Poetry

Curriculum ~ Our Offer

Data ~ School Performance Tables

Dates ~ School term dates

Design & Technology ~ Curriculum

Design & Technology ~ Subject page

Diary ~ Calendar of events

Donations ~ Help the PTA fundraise


E-Safety ~ Children staying safe online

E-Safety ~ For Parents/Carers

Easyfundraising ~ Raise funds for the PTA

Eco Project


Eggs for Sale ~ Fresh from our lovely Hens!

email us @ Lowther

English ~ Curriculum

English ~ Subject Page

Equalities Objectives ~ Policy

Events ~ Recent Events & News

Events Archive

Events Calendar ~ Dates, trips etc

Environment ~ Sustainability

Exclusion ~ Policy

Extended Day Provision


Find us ~ Maps, Buses & Location

Fire Alarm ~ Fire Safety Drill

Forms ~ School Forms downloads

Foundation Stage

Free School Meals Eligibility Checker

Fruit and Vegetables ~ grown on site

Fun :-)

Fun ~ Online learning

Fundraising and Donations



Gallery~ Artworks

Gallery ~ Photos

Gallery ~ Lowther TV Videos

Gallery ~ Class's Archive

Games ~ Fun Learning Games

Geography ~ Curriculum

Geography ~ Subject page


Governors Outline

Happiness ~ Big smiles at Lowther!

Health and Safety ~ Policy

Healthy eating

Healthy Packed Lunches ~ Policy

Hens Eggs (Freshly laid) for Sale


History ~ Curriculum

History ~ Subject page

Home Learning Connect

Home School Partnership Agreement ~ Policy


Homework Challenges

Hot & Cold Cam Project

Hours ~ School hours and Timings etc


ICT Project

Improvement Plans

Instagram ~ lowtherschool newsfeed at

Internet Safety ~ Staying safe online

Italian ~ Curriculum

Italian ~ Subject page

Joke Book @ Lowther ~ Hahaha!

Jolly good fun @ Lowther!


Kindness ~ It's everywhere at Lowther!


LGfL ~ London Grid for Learning

LGfL ~ myUSO Login

Links ~ Lowther links

Links ~ Study links

Locate ~ Find our school home

London Wetland Centre

LOVE Lowther ~ Why we really do...

Lowther Leavers' Destinations

Lowther Life ~ Promo Video

Lowther Lowdown ~ Newsletters

Lowther Open Days

lowtherschool newsfeed at Instagram

Lowther School ~ Supporting Us

Lowther School Blog

Lowther TV ~ Videos Gallery

Lowther TV 1 ~ Videos Archive 1

Lowther TV 2 ~ Videos Archive 2

LSF ~ Lowther School Family

LSF Archive


Lunchbox Suggestions and ideas


Magazine ~ Lowther Lowdown

Maps, Buses & Location ~ Find Us

Maths ~ Subject area & helpful guides

Maths ~ Curriculum

Meals ~ Our School Meals Offer

Medical Needs ~ Policy

Menu ~ School Meals

Movies ~ Lowther TV Movies

Movies Archive ~ LTV Movies Archive

Movies Archive 2 ~ LTV Movies Archive 2

Music ~ Curriculum

Music ~ Music Subject page

myUSO (LGfL) Login

Newsletters ~ Children's Newsletters

Newsletters ~ Lowther Family News

Nursery ~ Class page ~ Archive

Nursery ~ Hours

Nursery ~ Introduction

Nursery ~ Term Dates

Nursery Uniform Options


Ofsted ~ Statutory Information for Ofsted

Ofsted ~ Schools information website

Ofsted Reports

Online Safety ~ Policy

Online Safety ~ For Young People

Online Safety ~ For Parents/Carers

Open Days ~ Lowther Virtual Tours

Open Check ~ School Open Checker

Opening Times

Our School Site ~ Layout & Logistics

Parent View ~ Parent/Carer Survey

ParentMail ~ School communication facility

Parents/Carers ~ Information for

Parents/Carers ~ Get involved

Pat's Dance Movie ~ Wow!

Payment facilities

PE and Sports Subject page

Performance ~ Our performance data

Phonics ~ Curriculum

Phonics ~ Subject page

Photography Club Video

Photo Gallery

Photo Gallery Archive

Physical Education ~ Curriculum

PlantCam Project

Playdough Recipe

Poetry and Creative Writing

Poetry Project

Policies ~ School Policies

PSHE and PATHS ~ Curriculum

PSHE and PATHS ~ Subject page

Privacy Notice ~ Policy

PTA ~ Parents/Carers are welcome

Pupil Premium

Pupil Zone


Quality ~ Check our performance

Quality Food ~ Yummy!

Reading ~ Core Recommended Books

Reading ~ Latest Recommended Books

Reading ~ Subject page

Reception ~ Class page ~ Archive

Reception ~ Hours

Reception ~ Introduction

Reception ~ Term Dates


Register of Interests

Religious Education ~ Curriculum

Religious Education ~ Subject page

RSE ~ Policy


Safeguarding ~ Policy

Safety ~ Children staying safe

Safety ~ Online Safety Guidelines

Safety ~ Safer Internet Day

Safety ~ Fire Safety Drill

School Calendar

School Council ~ Pupil Forum

School Data ~ Performance Tables

The School Day ~ Timings and other arrangements

School Facilities

School Forms

School Hours

School Information

School Meals ~ Our Menu and Food info

School Meals ~ Check Free Eligibility

School Open Check ~ School Open Checker

School Open Days ~ Virtual Tours

School Policies

School Site ~ Archive

Science ~ Curriculum

Science ~ Subject page ~ Archive

Secondary admissions appeals

SEND School & Local Offer information

Skipper's Scoop ~ School Magazine, WOW!

Skipping Skills

Sports and PE ~ Curriculum

Sports and PE ~ Subject page

Sports Premium


Staff Archive

Statutory ~ Information for OFSTED

Supporting Lowther

Sustainability Project and Allotment

Sustainability Project Archive

Ted ~ Have you seen Ted lately?

Ted's First Day in Reception Class

Term Dates

Times ~ School hours

Tours ~ Lowther Virtual Tours

Travel ~ To/From Lowther, Maps, Buses, Cars, Bikes, etc


Uniform ~ School Uniform info

Uniform ~ Policy

Vegetables ~ Grown on-site

Videos ~ Lowther TV Videos

Videos Archive ~ LTV Videos Archive

Visit ~ Contact and\or find our school

Visits & Trips Calendar

Volunteers Confidentiality Agreement



Why we LOVE Lowther

Wormery Project

Wildlife ~ We also love wildlife at LSF!

X-rays ~ We don't have any X-rays at Lowther, but we do have a brilliant Science Zone where you can learn about lots of scientific things and even how to make your own amazing experiments!

X ~ LowtherSchool @ X


Year 1 ~ Class page ~ Archive

Year 2 ~ Class page ~ Archive

Year 3 ~ Class page ~ Archive

Year 4 ~ Class page ~ Archive

Year 5 ~ Class page ~ Archive

Year 6 ~ Class page ~ Archive

Your School - The Data

Zoo ~ Well... it's a kind of Zoo... our own little area of friendly chickens, cool creatures, wonderful wildlife and lots of interesting produce that we've nurtured and grown ourselves! :-)

Contact/Find Us page link
Lowther Primary School Contact Us page link Lowther Eco Group info link Lowther Open Days page link Lowther - contact us by email link