Lowther Website Index...
Skipper's e-safety help and advice page Internal link

Access to Site ~ Policy

Accessibility Plan ~ Policy

Admissions (e) ~ Apply online here

Admission Forms ~ School Places & Application Forms

Admissions ~ Policy

After School Care at Lowther

After School Clubs

Allotment ~ Sustainability Project

Allotment ~ The Allotment Story

Anti-bullying ~ Policy

Archive ~ Class's archive

Archive ~ Photos

Archive ~ Previous projects

Arrangements ~ Entry/Exit Times, Gates, etc

Arts & Crafts ~ Archive

Arts & Crafts ~ Curriculum

Arts & Crafts ~ Subject page

Assessment Information

Attendance ~ Policy

Behaviour ~ Policy

Blog ~ Lowther School Blog

Bling-Bling ~ See Mr T for these :-)

Books ~ Recommended Books

Breakfast Club

Brilliant Fun ~ Fun study online :-)

Building Progress

Bullying info ~ Help and advice

Buses ~ Maps, Location and Travel


Calendar ~ Events, Activities & Trips, etc

Carers/Parents ~ Information for

Challenges ~ Fun tasks

Charging ~ Policy

Chess Club

Chickens & Fresh Eggs at Lowther!

Children's Newsletters

Children's Safety Guidance

Class's Archive ~ Previous Years

Clubs ~ After School & Holiday

Clubs ~ Clubs Spotlight page

Clubs ~ Details

Community Spirit ~ Shared activities

Community Spirit ~ Archive

Community ~ Our Community Links

Complaints ~ Policy

Computing ~ Curriculum

Computing ~ Subject Page

Contact ~ Contact/find our school

Creative Writing & Poetry

Curriculum ~ Our Offer

Data ~ School Performance Tables

Dates ~ School term dates

Design & Technology ~ Curriculum

Design & Technology ~ Subject page

Diary ~ Calendar of events

Donations ~ Help the PTA fundraise


E-Safety ~ Children staying safe online

E-Safety ~ For Parents/Carers

Easyfundraising ~ Raise funds for the PTA

Eco Project


Eggs for Sale ~ Fresh from our lovely Hens!

email us @ Lowther

English ~ Curriculum

English ~ Subject Page

Equalities Objectives ~ Policy

Events Archive

Events Calendar ~ Dates, trips etc

Environment ~ Sustainability

Exclusion ~ Policy

Extended Day Provision


Find us ~ Maps, Buses & Location

Forms ~ School Forms downloads

Foundation Stage

Free School Meals Eligibility Checker

Fruit and Vegetables ~ grown on site

Fun :-)

Fun ~ Online learning

Fundraising and Donations


Gallery ~ Photos

Gallery~ Artworks

Gallery ~ Lowther TV Videos

Gallery ~ Class's Archive

Games ~ Fun Learning Games

Geography ~ Curriculum

Geography ~ Subject page


Governors Outline

Happiness ~ Big smiles at Lowther!

Health and Safety ~ Policy

Healthy eating

Healthy Packed Lunches ~ Policy

Hens Eggs (Freshly laid) for Sale


History ~ Curriculum

History ~ Subject page

Home Learning Connect

Home School Partnership Agreement ~ Policy


Homework Challenges

Hot & Cold Cam Project

Hours ~ School hours and Timings etc


ICT Project

Improvement Plans

Instagram ~ lowtherschool newsfeed at

Internet Safety ~ Staying safe online

Italian ~ Curriculum

Italian ~ Subject page

Joke Book @ Lowther ~ Hahaha!

Jolly good fun @ Lowther!


Kindness ~ It's everywhere at Lowther!


LGfL ~ London Grid for Learning

LGfL ~ myUSO Login

Links ~ Lowther links

Links ~ Study links

Locate ~ Find our school home

London Wetland Centre

LOVE Lowther ~ Why we really do...

Lowther Leavers' Destinations

Lowther Life ~ Promo Video

Lowther Lowdown ~ Newsletters

Lowther Open Days

lowtherschool newsfeed at Instagram

Lowther School ~ Supporting Us

Lowther School Blog

Lowther TV ~ Videos Gallery

LSF ~ Lowther School Family

LSF Archive


Lunchbox Suggestions and ideas


Magazine ~ Lowther Lowdown

Maps, Buses & Location ~ Find Us

Maths ~ Subject area & helpful guides

Maths ~ Curriculum

Meals ~ Our School Meals Offer

Medical Needs ~ Policy

Menu ~ School Meals

Movies ~ Lowther TV Movies

Movies Archive ~ LTV Movies Archive

Movies Archive 2 ~ LTV Movies Archive 2

Music ~ Curriculum

Music ~ Music Subject page

myUSO (LGfL) Login

Newsletters ~ Children's Newsletters

Newsletters ~ Lowther Family News

Nursery ~ Class page ~ Archive

Nursery ~ Hours

Nursery ~ Introduction

Nursery ~ Term Dates

Nursery Uniform Options


Ofsted ~ Statutory Information for Ofsted

Ofsted ~ Schools information website

Ofsted Reports

Online Safety ~ Policy

Online Safety ~ For Young People

Online Safety ~ For Parents/Carers

Open Days ~ Lowther Virtual Tours

Open Check ~ School Open Checker

Opening Times

Our School Site ~ Layout & Logistics

Parent View ~ Parent/Carer Survey

ParentMail ~ School communication facility

Parents/Carers ~ Information for

Parents/Carers ~ Get involved

Pat's Dance Movie ~ Wow!

Payment facilities

PE and Sports Subject page

Performance ~ Our performance data

Phonics ~ Curriculum

Phonics ~ Subject page

Photography Club Video

Photo Gallery

Physical Education ~ Curriculum

PlantCam Project

Playdough Recipe

Poetry and Creative Writing

Poetry Project

Policies ~ School Policies

PSHE and PATHS ~ Curriculum

PSHE and PATHS ~ Subject page

Privacy Notice ~ Policy

PTA ~ Parents/Carers are welcome

Pupil Premium

Pupil Zone


Quality ~ Check our performance

Quality Food ~ Yummy!

Reading ~ Core Recommended Books

Reading ~ Latest Recommended Books

Reading ~ Subject page

Reception ~ Class page ~ Archive

Reception ~ Hours

Reception ~ Introduction

Reception ~ Term Dates


Register of Interests

Religious Education ~ Curriculum

Religious Education ~ Subject page

RSE ~ Policy


Safeguarding ~ Policy

Safety ~ Children staying safe

Safety ~ Online Safety Guidelines

Safety ~ Safer Internet Day

School Calendar ~ Events Calendar

School Council ~ Pupil Forum

School Data ~ Performance Tables

The School Day ~ Timings and other arrangements

School Facilities

School Forms

School Hours

School Logistics Information

School Meals ~ Our Menu and Food info

School Meals ~ Check Free Eligibility

School Open Check ~ School Open Checker

School Open Days ~ Virtual Tours

School Policies

School Site ~ Archive

Science ~ Curriculum

Science ~ Subject page ~ Archive

Secondary admissions appeals

SEND School & Local Offer information

Skipper's Scoop ~ School Magazine, WOW!

Skipping Skills

Sports and PE ~ Curriculum

Sports and PE ~ Subject page

Sports Premium


Staff Archive

Statutory ~ Information for OFSTED

Supporting Lowther

Sustainability Project and Allotment

Sustainability Project Archive

Ted's Day in Lowther Reception Class

Term Dates

Times ~ School hours

Tours ~ Lowther Virtual Tours

Travel ~ To/From Lowther, Maps, Buses, Cars, Bikes, etc


Uniform ~ School Uniform info

Uniform ~ Policy

Vegetables ~ Grown on-site

Videos ~ Lowther TV Videos

Videos Archive ~ LTV Videos Archive

Visit ~ Contact and\or find our school

Visits & Trips Calendar

Volunteers Confidentiality Agreement



Why we LOVE Lowther

Wormery Project

Wildlife ~ We also love wildlife at LSF!

X-rays ~ We don't have any X-rays at Lowther, but we do have a brilliant Science Zone where you can learn about lots of scientific things and even how to make your own amazing experiments!

X ~ LowtherSchool @ X


Year 1 ~ Class page ~ Archive

Year 2 ~ Class page ~ Archive

Year 3 ~ Class page ~ Archive

Year 4 ~ Class page ~ Archive

Year 5 ~ Class page ~ Archive

Year 6 ~ Class page ~ Archive

Your School - The Data

Zoo ~ Well... it's a kind of Zoo... our own little area of friendly chickens, cool creatures, wonderful wildlife and lots of interesting produce that we've nurtured and grown ourselves! :-)

Contact/Find Us page link
Lowther School - Contact/Find Us page internal Link Lowther School - Contact us by email link Lowther School at Instagram External website link LGfL MyUSO Login External website Link Lowther Primary School Contact Us page link Lowther Eco Group info link Lowther Open Days page link Lowther - contact us by email link