  The Pupil Zone LGfL MyUSO Login LGfL MyUSO Login external linkLGfL MyUSO Login external link
At Lowther we love learning... The links below will direct you to some cool websites which will help you learn and have some fun too!
The links suggested below are for information only and do not constitute an endorsement or recommendation. We hope you find the links helpful and useful.
  Online Safety Main Online Safety PageMain Online Safety Page internal link»Main Online Safety Page internal link
  Internet Safety External Website Link
Skipper says: "Stay safe when using the computer... Click on me anywhere on this page to get help and advice about looking after your safety, and please remember to keep safe by being careful not to give out personal information such as your name, email, phone number, home address, or the name of your school to people who you do not know or trust."

The UK Safer Internet Centre, is where you can find the latest e-safety tips, advice and resources to help children and young people stay safe online.

The next Safer Internet Day (SID) celebrations will take place on Tuesday 11th February 2025

The 2025 theme (to be annouced soon) will be a call to action for every stakeholder to play their part in creating a better internet for everyone, in particular the youngest users out there. More than that, it is an invitation for everyone to join in and engage with others in a respectful way in order to ensure a better digital experience.

To keep updated on the latest campaign news visit and/or the Facebook or Twitter profiles and follow the #SaferInternetDay and/or #SID2025 hashtag/s to discover the discussions that took place on the day, all over the world.
  Skipper's e-safety Link
The next Anti-Bullying Week is scheduled for 11th - 15th November 2024, with 'Odd Socks Day' marking the start of the event on Monday 11th November 2024

School packs, resources and a variety of tools and links are all available at:

  School/Home Learning Resources Section LGfL MyUSO Login LGfL MyUSO Login external linkLGfL MyUSO Login external link
Internet Safety external link
Online educational resources section with suggested external links for children/parents/carers to connect with and enable continued learning and rehearsing from home  
  Skipper's e-safety Link   Lowther Whole School Blog  
  The Lowther School Family Classroom   The Lowther School Family Classroom (Virtual & Whole School)  
The Lowther School Family Classroom
  Skipper's e-safety Link   LGfL Home Learning Resources for Children  
  Skipper's e-safety Link   Other Home Learning Resources for Children  
Busy things LGfL Login ext linkGet Epic Sign-In Ext link
  Skipper's e-safety Link    
BBC Bitesize Primary Resources External Link   Oak National Academy External Link   Raspberry Pi Learning External Website link    
BBC Bitesize Oak National Academy Raspberry Pi Learn
Fun Learning Online Lessons Learn to Code
  Skipper's e-safety Link    
ISS Food & Cooking Home Learning Resources External Link   Virtual School Library external link   Youth Sport Trust Home Learning External Link    
ISS Home Learning Virtual School Library YST - EYFS
Food & Cooking Resources for Children YST - Primary
  Skipper's e-safety Link    
Earth School External Link   Maison ZiZou Arts and Crafts external link        
Earth School Maison ZiZou  
  Nature Quests Arts and Crafts  
  Reading Fun
  Skipper's e-safety Link    
Reading Guide Reading Challenges
Reading Guide page link Reading Challenges page link
  Homework Fun
  Skipper's e-safety Link    
Homework Guide Homework Challenges
Homework page link Homework Challenges page link
  Fun Learning Sites with Activities, Games, Quizzes and more
  Internet Safety Link  
Find out fascinating facts, play exciting games and learn things too:
  Internet Safety Link  
Want help preparing for SATs? Click here for fantastic fun!
  Internet Safety Link  
Want to know how stuff works? Click here for answers:
  Internet Safety Link  
Do you love art? Then you’ll love this site:
  Internet Safety Link  
Want to learn more about fairytales? (Foundation/KS1 Focused)
  Internet Safety Link  
Want to learn more about animals and the environment? Click here or here:
  Internet Safety Link  
Click here for a big choice of learning, and here for fun activities at the BBC:
  Internet Safety Link  
How about some fun with Sesame Street? Click here for some Games and Videos:

  Internet Safety Link  
You’ll have lots of fun and learning here at Poisson Rouge:

  Internet Safety Link  
Have fun learning how to count with Lowther Bear:

  Internet Safety Link    
  Internet Safety Link    
  Internet Safety Link    
  Internet Safety Link    
  Internet Safety Link    
  Internet Safety Link    
  Internet Safety Link    
  Internet Safety Link  
Maths challenges:

  Internet Safety Link    
  Internet Safety Link  
Resources you can download and make at home:

  Internet Safety Link    
  Internet Safety Link    
  Fire Safety Drill
Online SafetyOnline Safety page link»Online Safety page link
The health and safety and well being of all our fantastic pupils is our number one priority. Look how quickly and sensibly everybody did the school fire drill. Great work children.
Contact/Find Us page link
KS2 Learning Resources External link KS1 Learning Resources External link EYFS Learning Resources External link Maths Chase ext link Top Marks ext link Go Noodle ext link Go Noodle ext link Education Quizzes Ext link Lowther Primary School Blog home Page external link Sign In Page at j2Launch external website link Lowther Primary School Blog home Page external link Lowther Primary School Contact Us page link Lowther Eco Group info link Lowther Open Days page link Lowther - contact us by email link