School Policies |
If your child has been refused a place at one of your preferred primary or secondary schools, you may appeal the decision of the admissions authority. Your reasons for appealing will then be considered by an independent panel. Guidance for submitting an appeal is available on the 'Achieving for Children' website. To view/download/print this information please click here or visit: |
ParentMail is the company we use to send out group emails to you and your child/children.
We can now also receive payments through the ParentMail system. We inform parents/carers by email and/or text about items they need to pay. Parents/Carers can then pay on their mobile tablet or computer and money is transferred directly into the school bank account - it's all very easy and secure. Cash, cheque and voucher payment can still be recorded so parents/carers can pay whichever way is most convenient to them. If you would also like to receive emails containing school information, news and notices, please download and complete the Registration Form and return, send or email to the School Office as soon as possible. |
We enjoy the partnership we share in your child's education and value the contribution you make at home.
However, if you would like to come in to help on an occasional or regular basis it would be greatly appreciated. For example, Jenny, our volunteer reader, shares her experiences of being a war evacuee with the class every year around Remembrance Sunday, tying in with our history topic. If you have special skills, for example, arts or crafts, or you play an instrument or you have an unusual hobby or pastime, and think the children would be interested in sharing it, please do get in touch. If you would like to help out here at Lowther please download, read carefully and fill in our Volunteers Confidentiality Agreement Form and please also indicate your availability. |