  Lowther learners get to school on time!
Children may arrive at school from 8.45am in the morning (and go straight into class)
However, children should not arrive unsupervised at school before 8.45am
We expect all children to be in class and working at 9am
The school day finishes at 3.30pm each day
  School Day Timings
LSF School Day Timings PDF Link

  School Calendar Term DatesTerm Dates Internal page link»Term Dates Internal page link
We want parents/carers and families to be fully included in school life and so have tried to give as much notice as possible
We endeavour to put any school dates in as soon as we have them and the calendar will be updated during the year as we book additional trips and events
All events will be publicised in either class newsletters or the whole school newsletter which is also made available online here 
We hope this allows you to plan when you’ll be able to come and join the school family for special occasions
  If you would like more details please feel free to enquire at the School Office  
  Fire Safety Drill
Online SafetyOnline Safety page link»Online Safety page link
The health and safety and well being of all our fantastic pupils is our number one priority. Look how quickly and sensibly everybody did the school fire drill. Great work children.

LSF Fire Drill Movie from Lowther School on Vimeo.

Contact/Find Us page link
Lowther Primary School Contact Us page link Lowther Eco Group info link Lowther Open Days page link Lowther - contact us by email link