Sustainability Project & Allotment (Archive 1)
The Lowther Allotment Story

To view or download the Allotment Story as a PDF file please click here

Our Wormery
Our Homegrown Artichokes
Gardening with Freya and Leon
March in the Allotment
January in the Allotment
Allotment January 2014 Photos
Allotment Award

Allotment Award

Article courtesy of Sara Bucan & Skipper's Scoop #4

Creative Writing
Summer in the Allotment
Allotment Day
Allotment Day 2013 Photos
Allotment Day 2013 Photos
Harvest Meal
June Harvest
June Harvest 2012 slide
March in the Allotment
Community Day

Green Fingers
Many thanks to John Greenwood and the BCA
Sustainability GallerySustainability Gallery LinkSustainability Gallery  

November in the allotment by Lizzie (Year 4)

Contact/Find Us page link
Lowther Primary School Contact Us page link Lowther Eco Group info link Lowther Open Days page link Lowther - contact us by email link