Welcome to life in Year 1 at Lowther from Mrs Sandeman, Mr Gradidge and their team of learners

Please see below for some examples of the amazing work we've been doing!

Year 1 Curriculum Forecast
Curriculum PDF Year 1 Curriculum Forecast PDF link  

  Spring 2 in Year 1  

This month, we have been developing skills in maths counting in twos, fives and tens. The children have been identifying patterns on number grids, comparing, discussing place value and numerical order and working hard on some problem solving and reasoning challenges.

In Phonics, the children are working on Phase 5 sounds in preparation for the forthcoming Phonics Screen Check. This will take place next term. We have been developing skills segmenting more challenging words in their writing. It is great to see children using their word mats and toolkits to help them with trickier character or specific word spellings. We have been focusing our writing on our topic Moon Zoom, writing information books about planet Earth.

In R.E. the children have been working on the theme 'Special Foods'. We have been specifically looking at the Hindu Holi celebration and the foods that are used to make the day special. This has led to an exciting session throwing the traditional Holi paint powders at the teachers!

In our P. E. lessons the children have been working on their throwing and catching skills. The children are beginning to play team games and have also been learning to hit/field with a bat and ball.



  Y1 Girls Football Skills  

  Spring 1 in Year 1  

This has already been a very busy term for everyone and the children have loved our topic 'Superheroes'!

In English, we are very excited to be part of the Screen your Story competition again this year. The children have been working hard to develop their skills in writing adjectives, using tenses and suffixes to really make their stories shine! The children have now created some incredible stories about amazing Super Hero rescues around the world. The theme this year is Save the Planet and so the Super Hero characters in their stories have been saving the world from forest fires, pollution and even logging!

In Maths, the children have been working on developing the understanding of place value. They have been partitioning numbers into tens and ones and using part whole models to solve problems.

We have been especially proud of the children's computing skills this term. The children have been learning to code and have been programming a character to make it dance. This has meant they have needed to practise their hand-eye coordination skills and have learnt to drag and drop using a mouse.

Well done Year 1 for another very successful month!


  Autumn 3 in Year 1  

In Year 1, the children have been busy engaging with their new topic ‘The Enchanted Forest’. In English, we have been learning about different styles of writing by becoming immersed in our topic and retelling traditional fairy tales. We are excited to begin exploring fractured fairy tales towards this week.

As part of this topic, we have had some very exciting provision activities available. We have had Lowther Fairies who came to visit. The children were busy writing messages to the fairies and even receiving tiny messages back to read!

In Maths, the children have been working on their understanding of number bonds. Children have been learning to work systematically to solve a missing number problem and developing mental maths skills.

We are now building up to the end of term with rehearsals for, and the performances of a very special Nativity show – It’s beginning to feel a lot like Christmas!



  Autumn 2 in Year 1  

Well done Year 1 for a very successful start to the year. In English the children have been exploring the Charlie and Lola series by Lauren Child and recently have been writing their own stories. We have seen some wonderful creative writing.

In Maths, the children have been using part whole models to develop an understanding of addition and subtraction. We have been introducing the symbols for addition and subtraction and the children have begun to record their practical learning.

In Geography, we have been mapping our local area and finding out about local landmarks. We have discussed mapping keys and different styles of maps. In History, the children have been comparing old and new photographs of their local area and exploring how Barnes has changed. In computing the children have been using the computing suite and have been practising their mouse control skills. Also, in P.E. the children have been working on gymnastics and they have been developing their balance skills by walking across raised beams, remembering to have arms out straight and eyes on a steady object.

This month has also been Harvest Festival and Black History Month so there have been even more projects on the go! We have been learning about the history of Rosa Parks and the children learned to recite a wonderful poem called Rosa's Ride. As part of their Music and Harvest celebration they have also learned a song called 'Autumn is Here Again'.

We have had a really busy, fun-filled half term and the children have worked incredibly hard. What a successful half term!



  Autumn 1 in Year 1  

Beech and Pine Class have had a really successful start to Year 1. The children were delighted to see each other after the long summer break and have reformed some great friendships in their new classes. The children have taken on the greater expectations of independence, listening and attention skills.

Our first topic of the year is All About Me. This is a great way to get to know the children and we explore the topic through the Charlie and Lola book series by Lauren Child. So far in English, the children have been working on sentence writing. This involves planning their own sentence, counting out the words in the sentence, segmenting (hear/say) the sounds in the words and forming letters correctly. We have also been working on using punctuation like capital letters, full stops and finger spaces.

In Maths, the children have been revising their mental maths skills doing speed counting challenges. We then worked on counting in twos and understand the concept of pairs of objects. We then moved on to comparing skills; comparing greater than, less than and equal amounts or quantities. This week, we are working on addition skills and finding number families using The Part Whole Method. If you want to see how the children use a Part Whole Model watch this clip:

In Science, the children have been out and about on Nature Trails around the allotment exploring Autumn and seasonal changes. They have been collecting autumnal objects to discuss in class and even learning an Autumn Song in Music lessons. In Computing, we have been discussing what makes a machine, we have been using iPad to draw pictures and access QR codes. In P.E. the children have been working on their safety skills, independence getting changed into their kit and beginning their work on Gymnastics this term where we develop balance and coordination. Finally, in R.E. the children have been discussing their own family values and discussing how we show respect to different beliefs and ideas.

Well done Year 1 for a fantastic start to the year!



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