Welcome to life in Year 2 at Lowther from Mrs Cox, Mr Mahi, Mrs Tucker and their team of learners

Please see below for some examples of the amazing work we've been doing!

Year 2 Curriculum Forecast  

  Summer 2 in Year 2  

What a busy month May has been in Year 2. We have investigated many different homes and habitats, become Caribbean explorers, published authors and wildlife experts!

Having researched, drafted and published some amazing information books about British woodland creatures we're currently becoming Julia Donaldson experts. We really enjoyed reading lots of her books last week and are now writing her biography, making comparisons between her stories and choosing our favourite to write a book review. In geography we have thoroughly enjoyed studying life in St Lucia and investigated the similarities and differences between Barnes and Soufriere. Denise has shown us around her island, informed us of the key human and physical features of St Lucia and tested our map work skills through both Ordnance Survey and Google Earth techniques. We're planning to take a local walk around Barnes to investigate our own human and physical features after the half term (having been rained off this week!). Our final humanities topic of the year will see us answer the question 'What do we find where the land meets the sea?' where we will be investigating coasts and learning how to use four figure grid references to explore maps. Our RE topic has seen us learn what make a good teacher or leader and have investigated some leaders and teachers in our community.

As scientists we have really got to grips with why animals live in different habitats and how their survival relies on the conditions in which they live. We have extended our life processes learning from animals and into humans - Mr T even helped us investigate the question 'Do we get faster as we get older?' last week. (Don't tell anyone, but he didn't do very well!). Our final science unit next half term will see us plant, observe and compare different seeds and bulbs and their optimal growing conditions.

We have loved showing off our dance moves to Miss Mason and learning some new steps! We have learnt 2 dance routines this term and have continued to develop sequences considering levels, direction and spacing. We have also been developing our ball control skills and have learnt to pass accurately and dribble a ball.

It is sad to think that the final half term has come upon us so quickly, but we have some real treats to look forward to! We are really looking forward to tasting, designing and making pizzas, planting a range of seeds and bulbs, investigating coasts and we're even hoping to take a trip together before the end of the year!


  Summer 1 in Year 2  

We are looking forward to our new topic’ Homes and Habitats’. We will be focussing on our local area and thinking about any animals or plants that may be native to Barnes.

What an awesome month April has been for Year 2! We have loved learning about all things Arctic and Antarctic. In English we learnt about the ‘April of the Penguins’ and wrote information booklets explaining all about the treacherous journey that the penguins take each year.

In Maths we have been exploring shape. We can identify and name a range of 2D and 3D shapes and can describe their properties.

We have built on our learning in gymnastics and have developed skills such as balances, jumps and rolls. Ask us to perform an arabesque, an arch or a dish- we’ve mastered them all! We really enjoyed using the apparatus and performing our new skills to the class.

In our ‘Rainbow Learning’ time we have loved making the most our construction area and have cooked up a storm in our mud kitchen. We have started to do some gardening and have planted some seeds in our new planters. We are keeping an eye on them every day and making sure they are watered.

  Spring 2 in Year 2  

In February we have had loads of fun and it is fair to say it has been jam-packed with learning! In Maths we started off the term learning about statistics. We were blown away with the children’s understanding of charts and diagrams and their creativity when it came to creating their own. After this we moved on to explore Multiplication. The children have been brilliant at making equal groups and creating arrays as well as making doubles and comparing multiplication facts. We have now started to look at division and exploring sharing and grouping.

We are really excited to be starting our new theme for this half term - all about 'Antarctica'. We're currently filling ourselves with knowledge about the region and using some creative writing techniques to describe the landscape there. When we return to school we will be immersing ourselves in the March of the Penguins, so look out for some fact files, our own explanation text and writing a story about an emperor penguin. We can't wait to get started with lots of creative activities such as a penguin dance sequence and experimenting with different paint techniques to create a penguin themed masterpiece!

We have also started our new Gymnastics unit focussing on jumps and balances and combining these skills to create simple sequences with a clear beginning and end. We can’t wait to get back into school and start to practise our sequences incorporating partner work and apparatus.

In science we will be investigating Antarctic food chains, learning about how polar animals have adapted to survive in such harsh environments, making habitat models and conducting some investigations all about ice and icebergs! As geographers we will be investigating different climate zones around the world, naming continents and oceans and then taking an in depth look at the physical and human features of Polar Regions.




  Spring 1 in Year 2  

Despite not being in school, we've still been really busy learning lots of new things in Year 2...

In history, we've started a new topic learning all about what happened to the Titanic. We have been searching photographs for clues about life 100 years ago and have really enjoyed making predictions about why Delia will need a new hat for her journey.

We have carried the 'hats' theme into our DT work and have been really busy at home investigating the different styles and purposes of hats. Our next challenge will be to learn some sewing techniques and put them to good use in designing and making a hat for our teddy bears.

In English, we're currently becoming 'instruction experts' where we have learnt the features of instruction texts, how to follow instructions and we're now moving on to giving and writing clear instructions.

In Maths we have been learning about statistics. From pictograms to block diagrams, Year 2 have covered it!

Science has also been a hit learning all about animals. We started with classifying animals before moving onto thinking about herbivores, carnivores and omnivores.

Our teachers have been so impressed with the huge efforts and enthusiasm we are showing to all of our home learning. The work uploaded onto Google Classroom and Dojo has been incredible! Year 2 you are awesome!



  Autumn 2 in Year 2  

December has been a busy month in Year 2! We got to work practising for our nativity 'Lights, Camel, Action’. This year we did things slightly differently and recorded the show scene by scene. We then got a golden ticket sent home telling us about a special premiere (which we had on Thursday). We got to wear our party clothes into school and had a celebration of all the hard work that we had put into our nativity. We even got to watch ourselves on the big screen!

We stayed on the Christmas theme in English writing letters to Santa and sending them off to the North Pole. We have had a great time in Science investigating materials. First we made chairs for the wicked witch in Hansel and Gretel focussing on comfort and stability. Then we turned our attention to Santa and thought about what materials would be best for him to make his sack from - after all it needs to be strong and sturdy to carry around all those presents!

In Art we have used marbling inks to create patterns and push pins and sequins to design our very own baubles. This week we have also been busy wrapping some handmade surprises. So Year 2 families, look out for something special under your tree next week!


  Autumn in Year 2  

In Year 2 we have been exploring 'Heroes and Villains'. We thought about what it means to be a hero or a villain and discussed people through History that would fit these headings. We have used positive reflection times to think about what these amazing people have done for us and how they have changed the lives of so many.

In Maths we have been learning about addition and subtraction. The children have used tens frames, number lines and hundred squares to solve number sentences and have applied their learning when reasoning and problem solving.

To tie together our Fire of London unit, the children planned, designed and made their own fabulous fire engines, making great use of the awesome woodwork bench in our outside learning area.

The children hove been working hard in Phonics - particularly on blending tricky split digraphs! They all completed their Phonics Screening Check earlier in the week and totally smashed it! Finally, roll up, roll up to Roller Disco Club... How could we not mention it?! What a huge success - the children are loving every minute of it!

  Year 2 Harvest Assembly (A little something different)  



Each year group has prepared a performance for you and recorded it. We hope you enjoy watching our Harvest Assembly. You can also watch the full (All year groups) version here.

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