Welcome to life in Year 2 at Lowther from Mrs Cox, Miss Mason, Mr Agarwal and their team of learners

Please see below for some examples of the amazing work we've been doing!

Year 2 Curriculum Forecast  

  Spring 2 in Year 2  

What an awesome month March has been for Year 2!

We have loved learning about all things Arctic and Ant-arctic. In English we have been learning about the ‘March of the Penguins’ and have been writing infor-mation booklets explaining all about the treacherous journey that the penguins take each year.

In Maths we have been exploring shape. We can identify and name a range of 2D and 3D shapes and can describe their properties.

In Science we have been busy investigating. We arrived in our classroom to find some penguin ice eggs! To set the penguins free and send them on their way back to their Antarctic habitat, we have to decide the best way to melt the ice. Ask us which method was best!

Next term we are looking forward to our new topic’ Homes and Habitats’. We will be focussing on our local area and thinking about any animals or plants that may be native to Barnes.


  Posters in Year 2  

Year 2 have been making posters about 2D and 3D shapes. They are very proud of their work!

  Spring 1 in Year 2  

During January we have been really busy learning lots of new things in Year 2.

In history, we've started a new topic learning all about what happened to the Titanic. We have been searching photographs for clues about life 100 years ago and have really enjoyed making predictions about why Delia will need a new hat for her journey. We have carried the 'hats' theme into our DT work and have been investigating the different styles and purposes of hats.

We have also started learning some sewing techniques and have put them to good use in designing and making a hat for our teddy bears.

In English, we have been thinking about the difference between fiction and non-fiction texts and have got stuck into writing our own non-chronological reports.

In Maths, we have been exploring multiplication and division and have worked on developing our 2, 5 and 10 times tables.

Science has also been a hit learning all about animals. We have been classifying animals and have thought about the six main animal groups; Reptiles, Amphibians, Mammals, Fish, Birds and Insects. It’s all go in Year 2! Bring on February!


  Titanic Video Stories  

Year 2 have been looking at the story of the Titanic in Spring term. As well as ordering the story in class we have been doing so on the computer, and making our own video stories.
As well as ordering the pictures, we have been adding text, and improving the final piece by experimenting with

  1. Different fonts, font colours, sizes, and position of text
  2. Applying different effects to the pictures (we may have experimented with this a bit too much)
  3. Different transitions between photos

We do hope you enjoy what we have been able to produce, included here is small sample. The children have loved it and are rightly proud of their achievements.

  Autumn 3 in Year 2  

In Year 2 we have been exploring ‘Heroes and Villains’. We thought about what it means to be a hero or a villain and discussed people through History that would fit these headings. We have used positive reflection times to think about what these amazing people have done for us and how they have changed the lives of so many.

In Maths we have been learning about addition and subtraction. We have also started learning about money and focussed on making different amounts.

We learnt about Remembrance Day and thought about why we remember the 11th of November. To mark this special day, we made poppy collages and created poppies using clay.

In English we have started to think about Christmas. Children have written letters to Santa and have sent them off to the North Pole. Hopefully we will hear back from Santa soon!

The children have been working hard in Phonics - particularly on blending tricky split digraphs! They all completed their Phonics Screening Check earlier this month and totally smashed it!

This term has been a fabulous time of learning in Year 2!




  Autumn 2 in Year 2  

What a great first half term we have had in Year 2! We have lived our London topic to the full writing our own information leaflets all about St Paul's Cathedral. Did you know the current cathedral is the fifth St Paul's?

We enjoyed a wonderful messy day designing, making and evaluating our own fire engines. Using all our creative energies we upcycled cardboard boxes, coffee pods and foil to make some incredible machines!

In history we have learnt all about the Great Fire of London. By using sources such as diaries and pictures to search for clues we have discovered how and where it started, how and why it spread and the effect the event has had on the history of London. We have also become map makers and used our knowledge of symbols to create our own maps of London.

Beginning to learn joined up handwriting has been a major focus for us these past couple of weeks, we have been practicing letter formations and joins every day in preparation for using cursive writing in our everyday work. You won't recognise our writing by Christmas!

In Maths we have been consolidating our knowledge in place value and have started to think about adding and subtracting 1 and 2 digit numbers. The children have explored using base 10, tens frames and number lines.

The children have also loved our dance lessons this term. They have been listening to music from a range of artists and thinking about different ways to move to music. We selected some songs by musicians that have been nominated for the MOBO awards and learnt a dance routine. We loved performing our dance in assembly and we hope you liked it too!


  Autumn 1 in Year 2  

Year 2 have made an excellent start to the school year! We have dived straight into our learning exploring all things 'London'. Want to know who built St Pauls Cathedral? Or why the Waterloo Bridge is also known as 'The Ladies Bridge'? Ask our Year 2 experts!

In Maths we have been focussing on place value and learning to count in 2's, 3's, 5's and 10's. We have also been thinking about fact families to and beyond 20 and representing 2 digit numbers in different ways.

We loved our trip into London. We set sail on a boat down the River Thames and saw lots of London monuments including The London Eye, Tate Modern and The Shard. We also saw a big lion statue near Westminster Bridge which was just like the one from 'Katie in London'.

In Art we have started to explore colour and have thought about what the primary, secondary and tertiary colours are. We have learned about warm and cool colours and have created our very own 'warm' and 'cool' paintings.

We have also been learning about The Great Fire of London and have had fun exploring the similarities and differences between London in 1666 to the present day.


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