Welcome to life in Year 3 at Lowther from Miss Palmer, Mr Picken and their team of learners

Please see below for some examples of the amazing work we've been doing!

Year 3 Curriculum Forecast  

  Mummification Experience  

  Eid Al-fitr Celebration
  Cooking in Year 3
  Spring 2 in Year 3  

We have had an excellent start to the second Spring Half term. We had superb engagement with parents evening, and we felt the meetings were positive and informative.

We have started a new topic in English, within which pupils were able to visit the Lowther Museum. Students were able to see amazing, ancient artefacts. However, there was a problem. The Shield of Zeus went missing! Now, Y3 are writing their own stories based on these events. Y3 have shown a great understanding of how to structure a story, and we can’t wait to read these stories when they are finished.

We have now moved on from multiplication and division in maths and are now learning about….MONEY! Building on what children have learned in Y2, Y3 are now converting pence to pounds, adding and subtracting money, and even giving change! What amazing learners.

Our new Humanities topic is ‘Florida’. In Geography, we delve into the Magic Kingdom, understanding why it’s a special and popular place to visit. We have researched different states, and will be further exploring what makes Florida unique- including learning about the Kennedy space programme!

Cooking - We are extremely lucky to have cooking this half term, with Chef Sarah and Chef Clare. Cooking this term is linked to our Geography unit of Florida and our dishes are inspired by the USA, especially the Deep South. We have already eaten a Cuban sandwich- which was delicious- and we will be cooking (and eating!) different Floridian treats as the weeks go by.

Swimming - Firstly, we would like to apologise for the false start in swimming. It was out of our hands, as St Paul’s had some works being done on the pool. We are expecting to start swimming this week (10/3/22), and are looking forward to it!


  Roller Disco Club  

  Y3 Holly Lodge Trip  

  Chinese New Year Assembly  

  Science Museum Trip  

  Spring 1 in Year 3  

Year 3 started this year with a fun-filled day at the science museum. We had a fabulous time there, learning practically in the wonder lab, and being shown a number of different experiments. We also watched a science presentation about explosions, which were very loud and exciting to watch! Year 3 were brilliantly behaved throughout, and thoroughly enjoyed their day.

Computing - Children in Year 3 have begun learning how to create codes using the Logo j2code program. They have used programming language to create specific shapes, such as squares and rectangles, and used their creativity to create more complex drawings, such as houses or cars. This unit also allows the children to practise maths vocabulary, such as left, right, forward and explores degrees of turning. They are beginning to use word commands to direct the object along a given path and must debug their code if the code does not produce the desired outcome.

Screen Your Story and The Iron Man - children have been creating, planning and writing their own stories. We have written a story about saving the world, where we learnt lessons about the impact waste is having on our planet. Then, we started our new English topic, Iron Man, in which we created our own characters based on Iron Man, and have planned, written and edited our own stories.

Maths - We have delved deeper into Multiplication and Division this term, with Year 3 learning their times tables, and now beginning to multiply and divide 2 digit numbers by 1, using a formal written method, and concrete resources to support our progress.

History topic - Bronze Age- In history, we have moved from the Stone Age into the Bronze Age. We have already recognised the social changes that resulted in this historical change, and we will continue to develop our knowledge of this topic, understanding the importance of monuments, both historically and currently and understanding Bronze Age ceremonies and their significance. We are excited to teach this new topic to Year 3!

Music - In Year 3, we have also had a big focus on Chinese New Year! The children have learned how to wish someone happy new year in Cantonese and learned how to speak simple phrases in mandarin, while learning the song- Jasmine flower. The children performed this song excellently in the Chinese New Year assembly. From everyone in Year 3: Kung Hei Fat Choy!


  Autumn 3 in Year 3  

We have had a fantastic term, and have been so impressed with your children’s attitude and application at school.

In our Geography topic, we have been learning about Earthquakes and Volcanos, where children have identified areas of the world that are vulnerable to these. This has also linked to our English book, The Magic Treehouse, where Year 3 are writing a story about time travelling to Pompeii, as Mount Vesuvius is erupting. They are using their knowledge of this topic to create some amazing, exciting noun phrases. We also had a stimulating virtual workshop with the National History Museum, where all pupils became volcanologists (what a word!). They even received their own diploma for completing the course. What a group!

In Maths we have completed our Addition and Subtraction topic, and are astounded at how brilliantly pupils have learnt to add and subtract 3 digit numbers in a column.

Rocks is now our Science topic, and pupils have identified igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. We have learnt how these are formed, and have even used chocolate to show the formation of the types of rock.

Thank you for all your support this term. Mr Picken, Miss Palmer and Mr Mahi would like to wish you all a fantastic Christmas, and a wonderful new year. See you in 2022!


  Christmas Time is Here  

  Chocolate Rocks!  

  Take Over Day  

  Black History Month  

  Performance Poetry  

  Natural History Museum Trip  

  NHM Workshop  

  Stone Age Day  

  Autumn 2 in Year 3  

October was another busy month for Year 3. We have been learning about Light and Darkness in Science – we have been fascinated by how light travels. We have challenged our own understanding of what is light and now know that light is more than “just electricity” (as commented by a 3P student). We have learned that light travels in straight lines and can be reflected or absorbed depending on the surface it interacts with. We have carried out various experiments investigating how we can change the direction of light and have learned that some surfaces are better than others to change the direction of light.

Science is not the only subject where we have been exploring different concepts and challenging our prior understanding. In Maths, we have completed our Place Value unit and are learning how to add and subtract using 3-digit numbers. We are developing our understanding of what happens when we add digits that have a total of more than 10. We are developing the skill of using part-whole model and the number line to solve these calculations. We are excited about learning how to use the column method to solve such calculations more efficiently and quickly.

October was also Black History Month and Year 3 was not left in the dark! Ms Palmer set the challenge of learning the 54 countries in Africa and enticed us with a Prize for the person who learned the most countries. Not only that, Year 3 also learned about 5th century trade links between England and the Gold coast. We learned about the significance of kente cloth. During Art and Design, we created our own kente cloth designs. Additionally, Year 3 learned a dance, which we performed in a whole school assembly. The dance used ballet and African dance.




  Autumn 1 in Year 3  

Year 3 have had a very busy start to the year!

We celebrated Roald Dahl day with craft, science experiments, reading and of learning about Roald Dahl himself! Roald Dahl Day was an exciting start to our English unit studying poetry. We have been focussed on developing our understanding of poetic devices and creating poems that are entertaining for the reader. The children have learnt about amazing alliteration, onomatopoeia and rhyming couplets. We are very excited about sharing the poems we have created in Performance Poetry Assembly. Along with English, the children have been extremely engaged during History and Art lessons.

We have been studying Stone Age in history. This was complimented by art lessons where we learned about rock and cave art. We have used charcoal, chalk, pastels and shading pencils to create art work inspired by the Stone Age and art created in the Stone Age. The children have displayed their curiosity and interest to learning about the past when doing observational drawings. They practised their observation in preparation for drawing Stonehenge and the Neolithic houses near Stonehenge. Our Stonehenge trip was a huge success with children learning lots about how stone age people lived. The children were especially impressed by the shear size and structure of Stonehenge!



  Stonehenge Visit
  Roald Dahl Day in Year 3  

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