Welcome to life in Year 4 at Lowther from Miss Newton, Mrs Seward, Mrs Tucker and their team of learners

Please see below for some examples of the amazing work we've been doing!

Year 4 Curriculum Forecast  

  Spring 2 in Year 4  

Wow, we have certainly had an action packed start to this half term. Rehearsals for our year 4 play ‘The Greatest Show’ are well underway. Children are doing an amazing job of learning their lines and songs and we are really excited about performing it in a few weeks’ time. However, there has also been plenty else going on

In maths we have been learning all about fractions, building a fraction wall and learning about equivalents. In English we have been reading Malorie Blackman’s ‘Cloud Busting’ using a scene in the book to write our very own play script as well as a diary entry in character.

In History the children have been learning about the Romans and how they changed Britain. They have told the story of Boudica, researched why Hadrian's Wall was built and tried their hand at being soldiers and making Roman battle formations - something that they thoroughly enjoyed!

Children have loved making their own operation games in Science, using all of their knowledge about electricity, conductivity and circuits. In art we have been learning about David Hockney and different paint techniques. Next we will be moving on to make the Roman shields that the children have designed.

Last but not least, we are of course all very excited about our upcoming P.G.L. residential trip now just a few weeks away!



  Spring 1 in Year 4  

Learning has got off to a good start in Year 4 this month! The children have really settled into Year 4 life and it has been lovely to see them embracing new topics and challenges.

In English they are on the way to becoming the next generation of best-selling authors and environmentalists, building some truly fantastic stories about saving the planet!

In Maths, we have continued our work on multiplication, focusing on perfecting our recall of those trickier times tables through lots of different methods. The children are doing an excellent job of challenging themselves and trying their hand at some of our weird and wonderful methods – like times table themed karaoke!

In the wider curriculum we have started Swimming every week and our first History topic of the year – the Romans! The children have enjoyed the range of the topic - one week looking at sources and historical evidence, the next designing a Roman Shield and finding out what it would be like to be a real Roman soldier.

In Science, we have moved on to electricity, with all the fun of creating circuits and experimenting with different materials, and in R.E. we have been learning about Sikhism and the 5 K’s.

It has been a packed term already – and it’s only the end of January! Keep up the excellent learning Year 4!



  I wish it could be Christmas Everyday!


  Autumn 3 in Year 4  

Christmas spirit has been in full swing in Year 4 this month! We having been working really hard but enjoying all the festive cheer too.

In English, we have been busy learning about palm oil and how its production affects our planet. We researched the positive contribution palm oil has made to society but also the negative impact it has had. To conclude this work we then wrote some balanced arguments explaining these ideas. Maybe have a chat with your child about their opinions on palm oil?

In Maths we have continued to work on addition and subtraction skills and how to use bar models to help us reasoning. We have now moved on to looking at length and perimeter and the children are doing a great job with this!

In geography we have been looking at sustainability. The children have investigated how sustainable our school is and are busy making action plans as to how we could improve further. This linked really nicely with our English planning and it has been lovely learning in such a cross curricular approach.

Sustainability has also been centre stage in Science where we investigated the delicate balance in which ecosystems exist. Children made their own documentary animations about the importance of elephants to their ecosystem. We then moved on to our new topic of sound in which children investigated how different sounds are made and how sound travels through a medium.

We have been lucky enough to have some extra-curricular activities go on this term. We really enjoyed a virtual author visit with Jeff Kinney who writes the ‘Diary of a Wimpy Kid’ series. Lots of children were really inspired by this to go and read some more of his books. We also went to the panto recently and had the best time joining in with the call and response sections (oh no we didn’t….oh yes we did!).

Finally the children have had an amazing time practicing and performing their Christmas song – I hope you enjoy watching them too! Have a very Merry Christmas from all of us in Year 4 – we can’t wait to see what the New Year has in store!



Autumn 2 in Year 4  

It has been an incredibly busy and creative half term in Year 4! The children have truly thrown themselves into our topic of Rainforests and have been thoroughly enjoying the work that has been inspired by it.

In English the children have been looking in detail at how to build descriptive settings, characters and dialogue – with the rainforest as our backdrop. They have worked hard to use exciting vocabulary and interesting imagery and their creative pieces have been wonderful.

In P.E. we have worked on our agility and rugby skills, continued developing our understanding of different animal groups and food chains in Science, and in Art we have continued our work using natural resources. Most recently we have been using clay to create leaf-bowls – and they are truly stunning. The children are really looking forward to bringing them home and giving them to someone special!

In Maths we have been consolidating our understanding of the foundations of Maths, with place value, and addition and subtraction – using both mental maths techniques and column method. Next term we will be adding in multiplication as a focus area.

We have completed lots of extra-curricular activities this month, with performance poetry and our work for Black History Month as special highlights. We were also lucky enough to celebrate our Rainforests topic with a brilliant ‘Rainforest Day’ at the beginning of October. The children were able to release the butterflies they had raised and enjoyed the chance to dress up as various rainforest creatures and take part in lots of different activities.

What a term we’ve had already! We hope you all had a lovely, well deserved rest this half term – we can’t wait for what November has in store!


  Autumn 1 in Year 4  

What a start to the new year! Year 4 have been very busy, truly throwing themselves into our topic of Rainforests!

In Geography we have been using maps and keys to work out the differences between climate and weather in different locations, whilst in science we have looked closely at the animal kingdom – finding different ways to group our world's creatures.

We have also linked the Rainforest topic closely to our English, Computing and Art/DT units. In English the children have been looking into a selection of rainforest creatures in great detail, working on up levelling their descriptive vocabulary, using thesauruses and writing kenning poetry based on their animal! In Computing we have been practicing our digital literacy skills – using Microsoft PowerPoint and careful research via search engines to create informative slideshows on our animals.

In Art our focus has been on the use of using natural resources. The sketches and leaf-prints made by the children have been stunning and showcased their creative flair!

In Maths we have been consolidating our understanding of the foundations of Maths, with place value in 4-digit numbers being our main focus. The children have partitioned numbers in different ways and shown a growing understanding of how these can be placed on a number-line.

Finally, we have been lucky enough to take part in the wonderful Roald Dahl Day again this year - alongside Year 3 - which was a day of fun activities and crazy costumes! Last week also saw the arrival of our Year 4 caterpillars, which are growing fast. The children have named their little ones and are enjoying watching them change. Hopefully they will be ready for release by our themed 'Rainforest Day' next month!


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